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Flight Instructor Resources

Flight Instructor Checklists and Profiles

Find out more about the new ABS Recognized Flight Instructor program and apply here.

Initial and Recurrent Flight Training Record

Instrument Proficiency Check Flight Training Record

ABS Flight Instructors Maneuvers Profiles

Instructor Pocket Checklist

T-E-N-E Pretakeoff Briefing Card: Laminate and cut out these cards for your students.

Sample Preflight Briefing Checklist: Feel free to use or modify this sample checklist as you wish, or create one of your own, for instructional flights.

Sample Flight Training Scheduling Questions: Things you might ask when contacted to provide a training flight.

Commercial Maneuvers in a Bonanza: Guidance from Kansas State University, posted by permission

ABS Bonanza/Debonair Performance Worksheet

ABS Baron/Travel Air Performance Worksheet

ABS Fleet Census 2024: Totals of each model produced and the number of each currently on the FAA registry, serial number breakdowns, comparative data and more. As of December 2024.


"By the Numbers" Power - Attitude - Configuration (PAC) Charts

E Series Bonanza E185-1 and E185-8     E-185-11 and E-225-8

O-470/IO-470 Bonanza and Debonair

IO-520/IO-550 Bonanza and Debonair



Normally aspirated Baron (55/58)



Becoming an Insurance Accepted Flight Instructor: Guidance from senior insurance underwriters.

Flight Review and IPC Logbook Endorsement sticker template: formatted for Avery 5163 labels. Add your name and CFI certificate information before printing.

Instructor Endorsement sticker template: formatted for Avery 5163 labels. Add your name and CFI certificate information before printing.

ABS Guides to Initial Pilot Checkout: Guidance for instructors and pilots, highlighting the differences between models of Beech piston airplanes.

Past Instructor Zoom Call Recordings

February 19, 2024: Discussion: Major changes coming to the BPPP flight training experience.

January 25, 2024: Discussion: BPPP instructor compensation, Meeting and exceeding ABS member expectations, BPPP instructors as representatives of the American Bonanza Society, Tailoring training to experienced Beech pilots

August 24, 2023: Discussion: Avionics training, Insurance, Presenting Bonanza/Debonair engine failures. 

April 27, 2023: Discussion: Challenging experienced Beech pilots

January 26, 2023: Discussion: Best practices for teaching partial panel in glass cockpit airplanes